Head Teachers’ Working Conference
In order to further strengthen the routine management, and ensure the orderly development of the school work in the new semester, on the morning of 3rd February, the head teachers' meeting of the second semester of 2022-2023 academic year was held in the lecture hall by the Junior High Department of the west campus, which was presided over by Director Hu Rongrong of the Moral Education Department and attended by Vice Principal Hu Qilin, Principal Assistant Chen Peifeng, Director Zhou Mi of the Teaching Department and all head teachers.
In the first place, the conference began with a head teachers’ experience exchange meeting with the theme of ‘Effective Communication, Making Education Persuasive’. To be concrete, taking the home visit during the winter vacation as the starting point, teachers Lu Fei and Zhu Renge shared their experience of communicating with parents with pictures and illustrations based on their own class cases.
In the second place, Director Hu Rongrong arranged the registration work and routine management work of this semester, and defined the theme of moral education and relevant activities of each month.
In the third place, centering on the key word ‘class management’, Principal Assistant Chen Peifeng shared his practical experience as a head teacher with the teachers based on his own work experience, stressing the significance of ‘effectiveness’ and ‘practical effect’ in the work of head teachers.
Last but not least, Vice Principal Hu Qilin made a concluding speech in which he first affirmed the hard work of the head teachers and asked all the head teachers to have love, hoping that the teachers could build up their own energy and be the lamp holders on the way of students' growth.
In conclusion, the first working conference of head teachers in this semester clarified the work functions of head teachers and pointed out the direction for class work management. Therefore, let's take our dreams as the reason and motivation to move forward, and live up to our youth and the time we have spent trying. In the meantime, let us impart knowledge and cultivate people, unite together to move forward, and let Anqing Foreign Language School achieve new glory in the New Year!


